Twenty-One Ways to Pay for College

If your kids are heading off to college, you want to know how to pay for college. Whether they're going this fall, next year or further down the road, you can stay calm by having a plan. In this series of posts , I'll outline twenty-one ways to pay

Roth IRA or 529 for Grandkid’s College

   College is expensive. Grandparents may want to help.  They may have the funds but what's the best way?  Should you consider a Roth IRA or a 529 for your grandkid's college? These are just two of many options and each offers their own advantages

Pay for College Without Huge Debt

As the calendar gets ready to announce a new school season, parents begin to ask what are the best ways to pay for college without huge debt.  With some planning it is possible to pay for a college education without putting yourself behind the eight

Young Parents Prepare for College: Part 3

How do young parents prepare for college?  Heck, the kids may not even be out of diapers yet and you start hearing voices inside your head.  Is that your conscience or (in my case) a toddler calling out Daddy at 3 AM wanting to play with his

What Can Parents Do To Make Paying For College Easier

Paying for college involves lots of moving pieces.  What can parents do to make paying for college easier on their wallets now and their retirement dreams later? Parents of college-bound high school students are served better when they and their