Parents need to understand that there is more to college funding than a 529 Plan. Saving FOR the cost of college is not the same as saving ON the cost of college. And there are more ways to save on the cost than to simply rely on scholarships, grants
College Financial Aid Myths
College financial aid myths persist and they can be a big danger to your financial health. If you don't understand how the college funding system works, you're likely short-changing yourself now and in the future. Most people right now are
7 Investment Ideas for College Students and Parents
College is expensive but you shouldn't neglect building your future nest egg and having a solid financial foundation under you. Financial freedom begins early but it's never too late for students or their parents. Here are 7 investment ideas for
Watch Out for Grandparent-Owned 529 Plans
Unlike medicines and pesticides, financial products do not come with warning labels. But they should. Grandparents and other relatives interested in helping pay for college may actually do more harm unless you follow this advice. Help from
Top 7 Myths About College Financial Aid
If you’re the parent or grandparent of a college bound high school student, you may be overlooking substantial financial assistance and tax opportunities and not even know it. Why? Too often parents become victims of the top 7 myths about college