Paying for college and filing college financial aid forms can seem like you have to be a contortionist to jump through the hoops set up by colleges. With a bit of knowledge and help, you can find the money you'll need to pay for school. In this
How Not to Use Life Insurance to Pay for College
Here's a 'secret' to all your college funding worries: Use life insurance to pay for college by hiding your assets, lowering your Expected Family Contribution ... and then spend more on college. Say what?!? Here's a better tip: Let me show you
Roth IRA or 529 for Grandkid’s College
College is expensive. Grandparents may want to help. They may have the funds but what's the best way? Should you consider a Roth IRA or a 529 for your grandkid's college? These are just two of many options and each offers their own advantages
FAFSA Changes that Impact Future Students
On September 14, 2015, the Department of Education announced major FAFSA changes that impact future students. These FAFSA changes will take effect for the 2017-2108 school year. They may very well impact financial aid prospects of future college
Pay for College Without Huge Debt
As the calendar gets ready to announce a new school season, parents begin to ask what are the best ways to pay for college without huge debt. With some planning it is possible to pay for a college education without putting yourself behind the eight
Value of a College Financial Planner
College is expensive: tuition, fees, books ... and now add a college financial planner into the mix. What is the value of a college financial planner for families trying to figure out how to pay for college? A lot. For many families hiring