Paying for college is pricey enough. And it's always a good time to save in a tax-efficient way through a 529 College Savings Plan. But what do you do with college savings in a volatile market? Well, the same advice also applies to another long-term
Financial Aid Impact of Savings and Investments
College funding is a combination of strategies to lower the overall cost. It's not just about 529 savings or dealing with the FAFSA. It is more holistic. When considering the financial aid impact of savings and investments on college funding,
Watch Out for Grandparent-Owned 529 Plans
Unlike medicines and pesticides, financial products do not come with warning labels. But they should. Grandparents and other relatives interested in helping pay for college may actually do more harm unless you follow this advice. Help from
College Funding: The 529 Solution
As kids we all remember paint by numbers. These were simple and fun. As parents we all want to find an equally simple to use solution to paying for college. Qualified Tuition Plans, also referred to as 529 Plans, seem to be that but are they