Headed for Divorce? How to Pay for Your Children’s College Education

If you're headed for divorce you may want to stop to think about how to pay for your children's college education. When parents divorce, there are a lot of emotions and financial issues to deal with along the way. A big concern for many a they are

3 Biggest Mistakes Parents Make Saving for College

Parents around the country have just sent their kids back to school. And many are breathing a sigh of relief. A quiet house again. Gold. But if you’re a parent who plans to help pay for your child’s college one day, now is the time for action.

How to Pay for College After Divorce

 Because I’m often asked as a part of my divorce financial planning practice, I will be addressing the question of how to pay for college after divorce as part of an occasional series. Oftentimes, lawyers and their clients do not adequately

2017 College Financial Aid Guide: How to Get More Aid

 Paying for college and filing college financial aid forms can seem like you have to be a contortionist to jump through the hoops set up by colleges.  With a bit of knowledge and help, you can find the money you'll need to pay for school.  In this

Why Wealthy Families Should Apply for College Financial Aid

If it's January, it's time to file your FAFSA college financial aid application. And it's also that time of year when I get asked if it's worth it.  There are many reasons why wealth families should apply for college financial aid as noted in a

College Financial Aid Myths

College financial aid myths persist and they can be a big danger to your financial health.  If you don't understand how the college funding system works, you're likely short-changing yourself now and in the future. Most people right now are