Financial Aid

Watch Out for Grandparent-Owned 529 Plans

Unlike medicines and pesticides, financial products do not come with warning labels. But they should.  Grandparents and other relatives interested in helping pay for college may actually do more harm unless you follow this advice. Help from

More on How to Use UGMA or UTMA Custodial Accounts for College

UGMA and UTMA?  Wait! There's more. Just like the amazing Ginsu knives on late night TV we're back with more about college money options. In this second part of my post I'll focus more on how to use UGMA or UTMA custodial accounts for college and the

How to Use UGMA or UTMA Custodial Accounts for College

  Looking for alternative college saving strategies?  Interested in more flexibility to use funds for your student's other financial needs? Consider a UGMA or UTMA custodial account.  Here's how to use UGMA or UTMA custodial accounts for

How to Pay for College for Multiple Children

OK, moms and dads, how will you pay for college for multiple children? With college costs now averaging more than $22,000 per year per child for a public in-state student and averaging more than $44,000 per year per student for private colleges,

How America Pays for College

How America pays for college has a direct impact on individuals, families and society now and in the future. According to a recent study by Sallie Mae, about half of all parents surveyed do not save for college.  Of those who do, less than 30% use a

How to Beat the Odds for College Admission

College admission is complicated.  Here's how to beat the odds for college admission and get into the right school at the right price. With an ever-increasing pool of applicants trying to gain college admission and college admission rates

Paying the Bill for Private School

As daunting as the ‘paying for college’ conversation is with many of my clients, sometimes we have to talk about how do you best handle paying the bill for school before college? Paying the bill for a private school can be a challenge and can

Playing with Fire: Financial Advisors Need Help with College Planning

Are you playing with fire when it comes to college planning? You just might be.  I have a good friend of mine whose signature mock saying is "drive fast, take chances, live dangerously." Well, most people do and would just laugh at that.  "No way,"

Top 7 Myths About College Financial Aid

If you’re the parent or grandparent of a college bound high school student, you may be overlooking substantial financial assistance and tax opportunities and not even know it.  Why? Too often parents become victims of the top 7 myths about college

Paying for College: 4 Helpful Tips for Grandparents

There is a saying that to raise a child takes a village.  It also takes money.  Some reports indicate that the cost of raising a child today through high school graduation for a dual-income family is just about $250,000. Adding in the cost of