Financial Aid

Why Wealthy Families Should Apply for College Financial Aid

If it's January, it's time to file your FAFSA college financial aid application. And it's also that time of year when I get asked if it's worth it.  There are many reasons why wealth families should apply for college financial aid as noted in a

Roth IRA or 529 for Grandkid’s College

   College is expensive. Grandparents may want to help.  They may have the funds but what's the best way?  Should you consider a Roth IRA or a 529 for your grandkid's college? These are just two of many options and each offers their own advantages

FAFSA Changes that Impact Future Students

On September 14, 2015, the Department of Education announced major FAFSA changes that impact future students.  These FAFSA changes will take effect for the 2017-2108 school year. They may very well impact financial aid prospects of future college

Pay for College Without Huge Debt

As the calendar gets ready to announce a new school season, parents begin to ask what are the best ways to pay for college without huge debt.  With some planning it is possible to pay for a college education without putting yourself behind the eight

Student Loans Burden Older Americans

We all know college is expensive and student loan debt continues to grow to nearly $1.2 trillion.  But for those nearing retirement, evidence shows that student loans burden older Americans more and more each year.  Here at CollegeCashPro, we've been

Smart Way to Borrow for College

The smart way to borrow for college needs to begin with a plan.  Too often families turn first to loans to fill in the gap for the high cost of a college education.  Taking on too much debt to pay for college will burden parents and their children as

Pay Wholesale for a College Education

Allow me to be brutally honest with the parents of college-bound students.   Unless you pay wholesale for a college education, you're paying too much. If you're like most parents, you'll be duped into paying retail but you should think smarter to pay

Financial Aid Impact of Savings and Investments

College funding is a combination of strategies to lower the overall cost.  It's not just about 529 savings or dealing with the FAFSA.  It is more holistic.  When considering the financial aid impact of savings and investments on college funding,

College Funding: Paying for College with Tax Scholarships

Parents need to understand that there is more to college funding than a 529 Plan. Saving FOR the cost of college is not the same as saving ON the cost of college. And there are more ways to save on the cost than to simply rely on scholarships, grants

College Financial Aid Myths

College financial aid myths persist and they can be a big danger to your financial health.  If you don't understand how the college funding system works, you're likely short-changing yourself now and in the future. Most people right now are